Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood

A great example of two cultures clashing is with the Native Americans and the Europeans. All of the countries that came from Europe into North America were surprised by what they found. A culture that had lived for thousands of years much different from the Europeans. They did not live with the same religion and were much less materialistic. They were all separated into tribes and each lived their own lives. The Native Americans were also not materialistic. What they had materials wise was not on their mind unless it was necessary for survival. 

The Europeans did not get this lifestyle. They lived along side them for a while, but it did not last very long. They couldn't get over how different the Native Americans were from them. They did trade with them for a while, but eventually more and more people were coming from Europe. It was a classic example of a situation where if you can't get along with someone then kick them out. So they fought them and since they had more advanced technology, they usually won. 

We can now see that Europe won since Native Americans live on reservations now that the U.S. government gave them. There untouched mostly peaceful society was torn apart and forced out of their homes because of a difference in opinion. 

These culture clashes are still going on today. They are not as violent, but people still have issues with people in their neighborhoods and sometimes they can't deal with it. The best way to approach someone of a different culture is to accept them for who they are and not judge just because their beliefs are different from yours. Treat people the way you want to be treated. 


  1. Billy,

    This is nice and I wonder what life would've been like if the Native Americans life weren't disturbed by the Europeans. Nice blog, cannot wait for more.

  2. Sometimes I wish that the Europeans had never come to North America. I love your thought, Gabby, of what life would be like if the Native Americans hadn't been pushed aside. I love to hear about how genuine and good they seemed when the Europeans came, but sometimes I wish they'd been a bit more aggressive, so that the Europeans hadn't had the chance to take over completely.
