Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter Poem

A winter poem, easily described by the name. 

It snowed last night,
  and my world was turned completely white.

The moon shone down on the blanket of snow,
  and told the oceans which direction to go.

The cold winds smashed against my windowsill,
  looking for a way into my room to give me a chill.

But now the day begins and the sun shines bright,
  on every living thing covered in white.

The sun’s warmth begins to magically warm
  all the creatures battered by the storm.

The snow surrounds my house,
   and makes the sounds muted and quiet as a mouse.

Icicles hang like ornaments on a tree,
   and drip slowly, longing to be free.

Slowly, color returns to my yard
  as the melting snowman stands down from his guard.


  1. I liiikeee. One thing I would suggest is maybe put in something about how you feel about the snow storm? Do you like the snow storm, or does it make you sad that winter has come? But I like this a lot, lots of imagery. :)

  2. I like this Poem Sir. William but the one thing that bugs me a but is how you jump into talking about yourself "me" while before it was kinda like facts.
