Friday, October 29, 2010

The House of Seven Gables

The House of Seven Gables is a colonial house that was built in 1668 in Salem, Massachusetts. It was originally built by Captain John Turner and it remained in his family for three generations. This house is the longest surviving house in North America and it also has undergone many remodeling. This house exhibits how America and its people have changed a lot over time and it goes to show how the original people who came here, religious refugees, influenced our world today.

Nathaniel Hawthorne saw this house because his relatives owned it and he often went there. While the house was remodeled when he saw it, but his cousin Susannah Ingersoll showed him that at one point this house did have seven gables. However, Caroline Emmerton bought the house and decided to restore it to its original look in 1908.

This house has outlived all of America's changes. It lived throughout all the wars, the government changes, and everything else. It truly shows where are roots are from. Salem, Massachusetts was home to the Salem Witch Trials a place where many people were convicted of being witches. It was a house that survived all of this and it is still up. The House of Seven Gables is now a museum that anyone can visit so if you are ever in town, you should stop by. You might just learn something.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Moment I Knew I Was an American

The moment I knew I was an American was when I went to Mexico when I was three. I went to a culture that i found to be completely different from my own. That is when I thought that I had really realized who I was. I thought at the time how different my home was from the country I was visiting. The people were different, the atmosphere was different, and even the food was different. It made me really appreciate what I had come from and to take it into my own.

When I say I am an American, I feel connected to a combination of many different cultures. A place where not only one type of culture is accepted. Where people of many different cultures come here and express them in whatever way they want. This has given me a different perspective on me being part of America because I do not only celebrate its culture.

For me, growing up in America has been beneficial. I have learned so much about the world and its cultures and my own in comparison. Throughout my life being an American has helped me, has it helped you?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them... Us and Them

People are often influenced by other groups of people. They always want you to do what they want to do. Its a pressure that follows you your whole life wherever you are. An example of this is gangs. They try to persuade you into joining. It is up to you to either stand up to them or give in and accept. This is an important quality in any person because you have to be able to make your own decisions. Not just give in so easily.

However, this is not an easy task. It's hard to not want to give in to what people tell you and it is also hard to not influence other people too. You may accidentally try to push people into doing something without even knowing it. The push and pull of society is hard to resist, can you?

Friday, October 1, 2010

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor to me is a hero. While he does do some questionable things throughout the story, he had good intentions. It is not apparent in the very beginning, but as it goes on it shows that he is against the rest of the town's beliefs that a lot of the women were "witches". He is one of the two people that don't jump to the conclusion that Betty and Ruth were corrupted by Satan. The only two that thought that maybe they were just sick and it would blow over.

While he does cheat on his wife with Abigail, he is completely on Elizabeth's side when she is brought to trial. Abigail, beforehand, even tries to tempt him again and he tells her no. John Proctor has made some mistakes, but he tries to fix them and defend what is important to him: his beliefs and his family.

He is also very brave with how he approaches the town. He knows that going against the towns religion and his could harm him and his family, but he goes for it anyway. He is not afraid. He is one of the few that thinks out of logic instead of religion. It is something admirable in this town and John Proctor should get some recognition. John Proctor stood up to what he believed in, could you?